Sadly, PicSat has suddenly fallen silent, stopping to emit telemetry data, the cause of the sudden silence is not known at this point. The last…

PicTalk software is available since morning, source code available here on GitHub, Current version (as of 21st of Feb 2018) supports SDRPlay RSP1/A and RTLSDR….

Petit tour a F6KBF aujourd’hui, pour peaufiné un quart d’onde VHF, pour le mobile, j’en profite pour passer une NAGOYA UT-106UV a l’analyseur, vendu sur…

This little cheap Chinese transceiver can be found on Ebay, or Aliexpress for 60$, supporting VHF/UHF, can Tx up to 25W. A complete description…

Humm, i need a large case to put everything, looking for something like, 400mmx500mmx200mm, may be a good candidate. Finally find a good choice, Panaro…