This is a small prototype of future TRX for 2 meters band, the goal is to make a very simple construction for mobile usage,…

Update 9/9/2016 I have write something for non friend linux users, a script (bash) for load all components in the same time, flow-graph are also…

Again, a FM radio project based on Si4703 breakout board with Arduino, for your bench-work, bathroom … you can listen your programmed favorites radio station,…

I’have finally found an excuse to use my Akeru SigFox board, with some lines on Arduino, two libraries, and a Ethernet shield, you can monitor…

Article rédiger en Français, ce produit n’étant a ma connaissance vendu quand France. WATT&CO est une startup d’une dizaine de personnes, installée dans le Vaucluse….