PicSat mission, need you

PicSat mission, need you

PicSat is a nano-satellite aimed at observing the transit of the young exoplanet Beta Pictoris b in front of its bright and equally young star…

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Site update

Site update

First, happy new year for everyone, best for 2018. I know its awaiting project for some people. APRS Tracker with DRA818V is under test. Some…

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Dummy Load 50 Ohms - DC to 3Ghz

Dummy Load 50 Ohms – DC to 3Ghz

N’ayant pas de charge non rayonnante dans mon labo, j’ai tenté l’aventure d’en fabriquer une avec des matériaux de recuperation, le tout d’après les plans…

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APRS IGate with DireWolf and MC3362P receiver

APRS IGate with DireWolf and MC3362P receiver

Currently under testing, a APRS iGate with Raspberry under DireWolf, and a good sound card SoundBlaster3 USB, didn’t want to use a dedicated VHF receiver…

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