Je me suis inspiré de la vidéo de Bertrand, Electro-Bidouilleur, EB_#143 Construction: Un Déchargeur de Condensateur La seul différence est que j’ai rajouté un pont…

A small gadget to monitor the power supply and enclosure temperature of your Raspberry. My Raspberry Pi server host a OpenVPN service, Onion Pi Tor…

Again, a FM radio project based on Si4703 breakout board with Arduino, for your bench-work, bathroom … you can listen your programmed favorites radio station,…

This is an easy way to power an highly brightness LED for 10 hours, some parts are recycled or was buy from ebay for 1$…

The goal of this gadget is to turn on your bathroom FM radio , when your powerup the light. Very easy to build, look the…