A small gadget to monitor the power supply and enclosure temperature of your Raspberry. My Raspberry Pi server host a OpenVPN service, Onion Pi Tor…

I have finally find a little bit of time to finish the build of my EasyIOT temp/humidity sensors, based on DHT22, each sensor send every…

The idea of this project is to easy detect if the postman has put some letter’s in the box … or not. Problem, i live…

Since I have discovered EasyIoT lib, i consider to redesign completely ArduiHome project. EasyIoT librarie support ESP8266 wifi , and NRF24L01+ shield, the wireless probe…

Update [17/02] – Project redesigned, look this following post. Update 27/01, I ‘ll finally use ESP8266 chip, for the same cost, Wifi connections on the…