Post related to: DRA818 Transceiver with Arduino Cette article sera rédigé en Français, la majorité des demandes d’infos et d’intérêt pour ce projet provenant d’OM…
For anyone interested by ham satellite, launch announced for Es’hail-2 carrying ham radio transponder, Es’hailSat has tweeted their geostationary satellite Es’hail-2 is expected to be…
This is a HF/VHF DDS Wobulator, run with the famous AD9951 from Analog Device, he can generate any frequency between 0 to 160 Mhz without…
Currently testing and prototyping, based on DRA818V with Atmega328P and GPS EM406, RF out up to 8W with a RA08H1317M from Mitsubishi. It’s around the…
Après avoir fait l’acquisition du pcb a Seigy, la petite demo en live de F4GOH m’ayant convaincu, place au montage de ce VNA basé sur…