All posts:
- LoRa_APRS_Tracker 1W DIY firmware
- 23cm NBFM Transceiver (en cours de prototype)
- Mesurer la puissance RF, en utilisant une sonde HP33330B
- RF level meters with AD8318, for 23cm and above.
- PE4302 Variable attenuator controller project
- Tracker APRS L0rA
- Ampli VHF
- Reparation d’une antenne Ubiquiti Nano Beam M5
- Cheap ADF4351, RF Generator, home made
- Milli-Wattmètre 1MHz – 10GHz, -55/0dBm
- Un Déchargeur de Condensateur
- Rigol DS1052E Fan Mod (and rpm control)
- A new small tool to help MMIC calculation
- LoRa & l’APRS
- Arduino demo board
- Preampli UHF « lownoise » pour QFH Satnogs
- Antenne QFH pour SatNogs
- Use POCSAG to send telemetric data
- Montage d’une station SatNogs
- L’uBitx, v5
- Transceiver 6 Bandes HF, SSB 6.1
- Une alimentation de labo, 5/12v fixe, 15v/10A ajustable.
- Un emetteur POCSAG avec Arduino et Raspberry
- PA UHF a base de MHW2905
- PA VHF a base de RA07M1317M
- NPR New Packet Radio
- Atténuateur programmable MCE-Weinschel 101-2072-2
- Programmation Baofeng BF-T1
- CJ 2019
- F6KBF est désormais sur Hamnet
- Project of the week end, quartz tester
- Mise en route du relais VHF F5ZEQ Version 2
- DRA818 Transceiver with Arduino [Next]
- Good new, launch announced for Es’hail-2 carrying ham radio transponders
- DDS AD9951 – 0/160 Mhz Wobulator [Update 11/07]
- Comment s’équiper en numérique – F1JXQ
- APRS Tracker, with DRA818V
- HF Arduino Vna, par F4GOH
- Hamnet, le retour
- CJ 2018, quelques photos
- PicSat suddenly silent
- PicTalk software available
- NAGOYA UT-106UV Test
- Weekend project, do APRS with your KT8900 transceiver
- GoBox project for outdoor operation
- Décoder les télémesures de Picsat sous Windows
- PicSat mission, need you
- Site update
- Dummy Load 50 Ohms – DC to 3Ghz
- APRS IGate with DireWolf and MC3362P receiver
- Small, cheap UPS for Raspberry
- Monitor your Raspberry enclosure
- Accéder aux films de votre pc via MediaCenter de la Bbox Bouygues Telecom …
- Comparatif des fabricants PCB lowcost Chinois.
- Solar Data/Propagation tool for Windows
- UV3R+ vs. GT-3 TP MarkIII
- MP1 SuperAntenna, bracket for balcony mount
- Tests rapide sur Hamnet via l’AP d’F5ZEQ
- Arduino POCSAG encoder 1200bp
- Website renamed
- ADF4351 with Arduino and rotative encoder
- DRA818 Transceiver with Arduino
- Find and listen TETRA Network in your area
- Si4703 small simple FM radio with Arduino
- Monitoring your network with SIGFOX
- Obsolescence programmée, réparation d’une station de charge USB, Watt & Co CH220-5-DOCK
- APRS tracker with DRA818V
- Wireless RF probe for Arduihome (bis)
- Postbox detector with SigFox Akeru board
- Getting started with the Sigfox API & php/json
- Playing around SigFox network with Akeru board
- Teensy GPS Logger redesigned in smaller version
- Geiger counter with SBM20 tube
- Digital RF Milliwattmeter DC to 500 Mhz – 1W
- Revive an old garden lamp with a solar panel
- Breadboarding and flashing firmware of ESP8266 ESP-03 SMD
- BaoFeng UV-3R charger repair
- ArduiHome redesigned with EasyIoT libraries
- TinyGPS lib and 4×20 LCD i2c Screen
- PG03 MiniGPS and tracking recorder
- Unbrick FT232 counterfeit chip
- Real-Time traffic state with Raspberry Pi in your car
- Wireless RF probe for Arduihome
- How to use Tenvis MINI319w IP Camera with Synology surveillance station
- Ardui’Home, temperature and gas alert for home
- Powering automatically a FM-Radio with a simply ambient light switching system
- Retro engineering on a pager, Tatoo Hack
- FM-Broacaster with Arduino and NS73
- Teensy GPS Logger
- Burn a Arduino bootloader to a blank Atmega 328 with optiLoader
- Arduino Countdown
- LCD Demo board for PIC
- Max038 function lab generator
- Charge pump DC/DC converter with Max756
- RS232 Interface
- MonRDS coder, PCB ready
- Nano GPS Logger
- GPS Logger