Geiger counter with SBM20 tube
I « rebuild » my Geiger counter, the SBM-20 tube was initially inside the box, so, i have put this one inside a 32mm diam plastic tube, for more convenience, wired through a XLR3 cable.
The LCD display alternatively, the « count per minutes » and result on: milli Sievert/year or nano Sievert/hour, you can switch off/on the buzzer, also 3 modes on measure are available, 15/30/120 secs.
This counter is from « Electronique-Pratique » n°368, a French electronic magazine. Shem, pcb, and PIC hex & C source code available. (Microchip compiler C18 v2.40/MPLAB 8.4)
Geiger SBM-20 inside the plastic tube. « The quintessential Russian tube. Lower priced, and more sensitive to beta and gamma than most. »
XLR3 connection, the connector is glued on the cap with resin epoxy glue.
Hello, would you please confirm if the Geiger_V13.hex, file is ok for PIC18F2550? Does the LCD show any message even without the SMB20 installed? Thanks in advance.
– Work with 1.5 or 1.3 hex.
– Check if configurations bits are correct.
– Check if the crystal work fine with oscilloscope or multimeter.
– Pic should start without SBM20.
– If any problem i can program pic for you.
Thanks for the files! I think I have a bad PIC, since I could not program a different file either. I’ve just bought a new one and will test it on the next week!
Hello, I’ve changed the PIC 18F2550 and the programmer. The PICKIT2 was not working fine. Now I successfully programmed it with PICKIT3. Despite of that, there is still no text on the LCD. All connections and components are double checked according to the project and are OK. I could not measure any oscillation in the Crystal, but I’ve already replaced it. Buzzer emits a tick each half a second and LCD blinks together. Any idea? Was there any correction in the original diagram? The prototype is still without the SMB20 tube. Thanks in advance.
Just a correction, I can measure clock now with the Oscilloscope, and it’s 4MHz, which seems correct.
There was no pulses in pin 13, so I disconnected R3 (1K), and the PIC started! LCD ok! I probably have some issues with the inductor or the MOSFET.
Problem solved, previous inductor was not ok. Once I replaced it, it’s all fine! Thanks!
Hello, just a few questions. My prototype is apparently working fine, but as I’m using a plastic case, I needed to put a metal shield over the high voltage section, since my hand was increasing the counting by the time I handled the case close to that area! This is now fixed. Besides that, when I connect the geiger tube cable to the case, it seems to be a little unstable, changing the counting for background, from 8 to 52 CPMs, in the same location. I think that it’s receiving a kind of interference, may be the cable that I used to connect the tube to the device. What do think about that? I see that you used a mike cable. Thanks!
Hello Eloy,
For security reason i use plastic enclosure du to the high voltage, and plastic tube for the SBM20,
but, mostly beta radiation are blocked with a simple paper sheet…
I have used « the ground » of the cable to connect the tube to the board.
When i program the pic with the program in the file you give it is not compatible with 18f2550 i am getting the error could you please Can you write me new program for this circuit (for pic18f2550)
Hello, it’s should work with 18f2550
try with
also check fuse in your programmer
Thnks for updated version 1.5.
Unit running … 🙂