PicTalk software available
PicTalk software is available since morning, source code available here on GitHub,
Current version (as of 21st of Feb 2018) supports SDRPlay RSP1/A and RTLSDR. Funcube is not working properly (frequency management issue) and will be added soon.
This sotware requires Python 3.5 to be installed.
To compile this program you need to check that you have the correct Python installed, and in particular the following packages:
Required Qt Modules :
- qt5-default
- libqt5svg5-dev
- qtmultimedia5-dev
- libqt5opengl5-dev
Required librairies :
- libusb-1.0-0-dev
- libfftw3-dev
- libczmq-dev
- libhidapi-dev
Enjoy decoding 🙂
Credit: F4GKR, https://picsat.obspm.fr/, https://github.com/f4gkr/PicTalk