Solar Data/Propagation tool for Windows
Based on information’s from N0NBH Solar Banners, (hamqsl.com), i have decided to build a small banner for Windows desktop (work under 7 and 10, not tested under XP, 8, anyway should work, reporting welcome), reasons are simple, i wanna a quick view of solar propagation status, just on my computer-desk, updated information’s that i can look anytime. Hamqsl.com, provide a lot of kind of banner that you can easily put on your website, but, banner for Windows 8 is not free, this for Windows Vista & 7 doesn’t work anymore because Microsoft Gadgets have been discontinued, the Windows Sidebar platform in Windows 7 and Windows Vista has serious vulnerabilities. Microsoft has retired the feature in newer releases of Windows. Instead you can use 8GadgetPack but i dislike adding crappy unknown application like this …
Right now, the application is released, it’s mainly designed for one screen configuration only, (i work for double screen configuration).
The tool is loaded at right of primary screen at every windows loading. To disable, run msconfig, and unselect solarinfo.exe
You can force the refresh by pressing a button, or the last information’s are loaded every 15min, minimiz/maximiz window can by done by double click on systray icon.
Top button, put the window overlaps all the other, disabled by default.
Default location software is; C:\Program Files (x86)\SolarInfo
Download SolarInfo_Setup, (the installer maybe need local admin right), also you can only run SolarInfo for a standalone using.
Software is free of use, you can redistribute.
For other kind of propagation software you can visit also, DxZone.com
I was JUST looking for something like this…wish there were more for windows…DX Watch..ect…THANKS!
glad to hear that can help you, congratz for your license upgrade 😉
Hi Anthony,
Solarinfo works perfectly in Windows 10. Auto start may be disabled in Taskmanager/Startup if desired.
Thank you.
73, Neil
hi Neil,
hope your enjoy
I confirm the small app works fine on Win 10 including the new 2004 release.
Very nice looking. I am mildly color blind and the choice of saturated colors are very easy to live with.
73, Michel
Thank you!
Neal, NL7VL
I’ve BEEN LOOKING FOR SOMEHTING LIKE RTHIS FOR A WHILE. thank you. Works fine under Win11
Où est passé le « SolarInfo_Setup.exe », j’obtiens un message d’erreur lorsque j’essaie de le télécharger. Merci!
Merci de ressayer, ça doit être ok.
Ah je l’ai eu à télécharger, s’exécute bien sur Windows 11. Sur demande, veuillez faire une version en mode sombre. Sinon c’est un très beau programme !