Good new, launch announced for Es’hail-2 carrying ham radio transponders
For anyone interested by ham satellite, launch announced for Es’hail-2 carrying ham radio transponder,
Es’hailSat has tweeted their geostationary satellite Es’hail-2 is expected to be launched by SpaceX in the 4th quarter of 2018.
Qatar’s Es’hail-2 satellite will provide the first amateur radio geostationary communications and is capable of linking amateurs from Brazil to Thailand.
Es’hail-2 will carry two “Phase 4” amateur radio transponders operating in the 2400 MHz and 10450 MHz bands. A 250 kHz bandwidth linear transponder intended for conventional analogue operations and an 8 MHz bandwidth transponder for experimental digital modulation schemes and DVB amateur television.
On August 2 the company tweeted the launch information in response to a question about the launch date from Eric Ralph https://twitter.com/eshailsat/status/1024898547165093890
On July 31, 2018 Michael Baylor @nextspaceflight tweeted:
A new #SpaceX Falcon 9 arriving at the Cape. The most likely scenario is that it is B1050.1 for the Es’hail mission. @13ericralph31 is reporting that B1046.2 will launch Merah Putih, making B1049.1 the most likely choice for Telstar 18V.
AMSAT-DL Phase 4A Es’hail-2 geostationary satellite amateur radio transponder slides
AMSAT-DL Phase 4A leaflet https://www.amsat-dl.org/images/stories/satellites/Eshail-2/P4A_Leaflet.pdf
Es’hail-2 https://amsat-uk.org/satellites/geosynchronous/eshail-2/
In French: https://www.ref68.com/presentation-du-satellite-eshail-2-par-f5aho/#by Jean-Pierre F5AHO (SK)