PicTalk software is available since morning, source code available here on GitHub, Current version (as of 21st of Feb 2018) supports SDRPlay RSP1/A and RTLSDR….

Petit tour a F6KBF aujourd’hui, pour peaufiné un quart d’onde VHF, pour le mobile, j’en profite pour passer une NAGOYA UT-106UV a l’analyseur, vendu sur…

This little cheap Chinese transceiver can be found on Ebay, or Aliexpress for 60$, supporting VHF/UHF, can Tx up to 25W. A complete description…

Humm, i need a large case to put everything, looking for something like, 400mmx500mmx200mm, may be a good candidate. Finally find a good choice, Panaro…