ArduiHome redesigned with EasyIoT libraries

Since I have discovered EasyIoT lib, i consider to redesign completely ArduiHome project. EasyIoT librarie support ESP8266 wifi , and NRF24L01+ shield, the wireless probe pcb will be use, with minor modifications.

I plan to use:

Temp/Humid sensor DHT22 for two bedrooms, and only Temp sensor for kitchen, bathroom, living-room, and maybe one sensor, Temp/Barometric Pressure for outside.

Also, somes security sensor’s like Carbon monoxide MQ7, and Gas Town MQ5/MQ6 will be add with use of SMS API from my mobile phone provider.

The server will run with EasyIoT server with a RaspberryPi2-1Gb, and a 4×20 LCD screen to display informations from sensor.
